Page LayoutBeginner questions

Information and discussion about page layout specific issues (e.g. header and footer lines, page formats, page numbers).
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Beginner questions

Post by AntonP »


I'm highly non-proficient in LaTeX. I have used it ages ago and now use it to compile a diary for my kids (mainly to handle insertion of pictures). I'm now almost done with the first 400 page one and need some tweaking for it to look useful.

I am not (and likely won't be) a LaTeX wiz anytime soon. I just want to finalize an outline for this.

- I have the years defined as \part(s) of the book. I would like the year to be included in the header or footer. (Since it's curently difficult to see what year you're reading an entry from if you open the book at a random place). How to do this?
- I have \part as a single bold word in upper left corner. Ideally, this should be centered and \HUGE, however, I don't know how to do this.

I hope someone can help :)

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Beginner questions

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Anton,

welcome to the forum!

An advice depends on what document class (and packages) you are using. KOMA-Script classes have their own header/footer features, same with memoir, both would be a good choice. Base classes (book, report etc.) work fine with fancyhdr or scrlayer-scrpage too.

Perhaps post a small example document representing your diary code (without actual contant) just so it shows header, a part heading, and dummy text and can be compiled (Infominimal working example), so it's easy to adjust and to show a tested code solution.

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Beginner questions

Post by AntonP »

Hi Stefan

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I thought I would get a notification (maybe it went to spam?), hence my slow reply.

Re the document class, I'm

I'm hesitant to change it as it works and has everything set up (making my way through it to adjust the final touches), therefore hoping it can be done within this.

For the second (I think, simpler) question, I'm simply doing:

which gives me the very simple page like the one attached ("a"). I just want to make this number larger and be placed on the middle of the page.

As for the first question, it's a bit tricky to illustrate a thing that isn't there, so to say. But in b1 I have attached a sample page and for b2 I have, in paint, tried to add in how I hope for it to look, with the year as part of the footer (in addition to the page number), with the year corresponding to the current "\part" of the book, so to say.

Am I making any sense what-so-ever?
b1.png (132.75 KiB) Viewed 6445 times
b2.png (111.47 KiB) Viewed 6445 times
a.png (2.99 KiB) Viewed 6445 times
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