Math & SciencePlacement of "comma"/"point" between 2 lines of equations

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Placement of "comma"/"point" between 2 lines of equations

Post by juk80 »

Hi everybody,

I use the following code to define math operations, here a group operation.

Code: Select all

%preamble: centers content in an alignat cell, instead of left/right alignment 

% usage in text: definition of a binary operation with subequation label on each line 
	& \circ  && \ :\quad && \centermathcell{G \times G } && \centermathcell{\quad\to\quad}     && G\\
	&        &&          && \centermathcell{(g, h)}      && \centermathcell{\quad\mapsto\quad} && g \circ h := \circ(g, h)
I like the style, but sometimes I need a "comma" or a "point" at the end of the definition (somehow between the 2 lines) in order to integrate it with the text flow (see pic attached, highlighted in yellow).
Can anyone help me with the placement of the "comma"/"point" at the end of the definition and still have the sub equation labels on each line.

Thx in advance.

Kind regards,
output.PNG (10.99 KiB) Viewed 47960 times

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Placement of "comma"/"point" between 2 lines of equations

Post by MjK »

Please always try to make a Infominimal working example instead of showing only a code snippet.

To place the comma between the line, you could add a \raisebox after the longest line:

Code: Select all




	& \circ  && \ :\quad && \centermathcell{G \times G } && \centermathcell{\quad\to\quad}     && G\\
	&        &&          && \centermathcell{(g, h)}      && \centermathcell{\quad\mapsto\quad} && g \circ h := \circ(g, h)\smash{\text{\quad\raisebox{.5\baselineskip}{,}}}

However, I would not add the comma centered, but just at the end of the last line:

Code: Select all




	& \circ  && \ :\quad && \centermathcell{G \times G } && \centermathcell{\quad\to\quad}     && G\\
	&        &&          && \centermathcell{(g, h)}      && \centermathcell{\quad\mapsto\quad} && g \circ h := \circ(g, h)\text{\enskip,}

My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.
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Placement of "comma"/"point" between 2 lines of equations

Post by juk80 »

Thx MjK, this will work.
You are, of course, right about the minimal working example - duly noted!
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