Comments & Wishesre-organization of folders

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re-organization of folders

Post by ggran »

Hi there,

First I must say that the new organization of the folders is really good, and I'm sure it'll make the Forum much better.

May I suggest that the forum "Document Classes" will be added sub-forums
(Like the way done with the forum "TeXnicCenter").
I can think of 3-4 classes that many readers ask on (Beamer, Babel, Hyperref..)
This might ease the search of answers to frequently asked questions..

See Ya,

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Re: re-organization of folders

Post by Sven »


thanks for sharing your thoughts: Technically this would be no problem. The problem may be, that we may get a too detailed structure that is more difficult to handle for most users.

Any suggestions from anyone else?


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re-organization of folders

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


I agree with Sven thinking that a very detailed structure could lead to difficulties in use.
You've mentioned beamer, babel, hyperref: babel and hyperref are packages, not classes. beamer is one of several presentation classes. I wouldn't go down to certain classes, because some classes are sharing features or are similar. If splitting would be wanted at all I'd like to see it like
  • standard classes (article, book, etc.),
  • KOMA classes (scrartcl, scrbook, scrreprt, scrlttr2)
  • presentation classes (beamer, powerdot, seminar, ...)
  • other classes (memoir, paper, ...).
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Re: re-organization of folders

Post by ggran »


I agree that over-detailed structure will miss the point.
Let me rephrase my idea:
A. create a forum named "packages" (under Latex).
B. look at the mostly-posted forums (classes / general). If there is a subject there that has a great interest (say, above 15% of the messages in the forum) - it deserves a sub-forum of its own.

What do you think?
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re-organization of folders

Post by T3. »

I also think that too detailed structure is not desired. I quite like the recent changes made by Sven. It makes sense to me to clasify subjects by the problem area rather than package, because it should be easier for newbies to find their way around and advanced users shouldn't have much trouble in assigning package specific questions to the right subforum.

Further spliting of subforums or creating new ones could be considered if there is a very high volume of posts on a given subject, but I think it might be too early to judge that. Let's see how the current structure works out first.

On a related note: I'm really happy to see the new section LaTeX's Friends but I'm missing one category and that would be Others or Miscellaneous. There are some useful tools that are not covered by the current set of categories, e.g. LaTeXDaemon.


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re-organization of folders

Post by Sven »

T3. wrote:On a related note: I'm really happy to see the new section LaTeX's Friends but I'm missing one category and that would be Others or Miscellaneous.
Created a forum "Others" -- thanks for the hint!

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