Page LayoutOverflow in some circumstances

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Overflow in some circumstances

Post by kalmer »

Code: Select all


	asdf... Vesi ja 2-hüdroksü-1,2,3-heksaantrihape ehk 2-hüdroksü-1,2,3-propaantrikarboksüülhape
	Ma tahtsin teha natuke valimislubadusi, aga need ei läinud läbi ja siis tuli teha seaduseelnõusid ja vaesed inimesed ei saanud süüa muud kui sissetulekut ja siis oli vaja ravimeid ja kaja kallas organiseeris neid neile.
Please see that the text is not wrapped and flows over the edge of the page.

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Overflow in some circumstances

Post by MjK »

What do you expect (La)TeX to do in this case? If you try to park a bus on a car parking lot, it will always cause problems.

I would recommend:
  1. Declare the used language using package babel.
  2. Add package microtype to allow some extra freedom of paragraph break.
  3. Add some manual hyphenation points using \-, if absolutely needed.
There are more possibilities like \emergencystretch or sloppypar, but I would not recommend to use it in such a case, because terms like 2-hüdroksü-1,2,3-propaantrikarboksüülhape are very, very special and manual hyphenation (or breaking) is almost the only thing that has a chance to avoid very ugly or semantically problematic hyphenation.
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