Texmaker and TeXstudioTexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Information and discussion about Texmaker, an integrated LaTeX environment for several platforms, and the related TeXstudio
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TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

TexMakerX is an eXtended (or eXtra or X-mas, you decide) version/fork of the original Texmaker.
I completely removed the old editor part and replaced it with a modified QCodeEdit-library of Luc Bruant.

That and some more changes resulted in these additional features:
* interactive spellchecking!
* code folding
* automatically detection of utf/ascii encoding
* improved text navigation (e.g. more and line-stable bookmarks, jump to last changes)
* a dialog to map text to certain keys (this allows the automatically insertion of correct quotation marks)
* a text analysis window (which shows statistics about most used words)

Its homepage is now: http://texmakerx.sourceforge.net

And you can now download:
binaries from sourceforge or the source via SVN

Benito van der Zander

[edits are were for publishing the newest urls]
Last edited by benibela on Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by T3. »

Thanks for this nice present! I like TeXmaker because it is a nice and simple editor but lack of online spellchecking was a real deal breaker for me. I'm glad you "fixed" it. Of course all the other additions you've made are welcome as well.

I've just tried it on winXP but no luck - missing 'mingwm10.dll'. Make sure you include all the dependencies in the package.


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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

Ups, I forgot the dll.
You can now download either the new version (see above), or use the dll of the original Texmaker.
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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by T3. »

Thanks but now I'm getting an error about missing 'QtXml4.dll' for a change (this one is not included in the original TeXmaker).


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TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

so many dlls...
here is it: qtxml4.dll

I hope that is the last one
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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by T3. »

Well, I grabbed that missing dll from somewhere else. It works now. Best of all, online spellchecker works too. Great! Although there seems to be some mistakes in the provided dictionary, e.g. it suggested to change 'remaining' -> 'remainning', so use with caution. Well, nothing's ever perfect. I will give it a spin in the comming weeks and see how it goes.

About the fork. It's probably better to join forces rather than split apart but if can't get any answer from the author (I remember your post from a few months back saying the same thing), I say fork it. It would be a shame to waste such a fine contribution. Keep it up!


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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by math.observer »

Some remarks (after compilation on a linux system):
- the texmaker.exe file (windows binary) is included in the source package!!!
- the windows dll are included in the linux-ubuntu package!!!
- compiling the program is a nightmare : to install the qcodeedit library, you have to launch qmake three times
- syntax highlighting doesn't work (and latex users don't need highlighting options for "preprocessor", "doxygen keywords" !!)
- bookmarks don't work (and can't be used with the three bookmarks buttons at the bottom of the window's program)
- some dialog layouts are not set correctly
- the popup completion window is ugly (this is not the original qt widget for that - there is a lot of troubles with the qcodeedit library)
- the program crashes if you launch the "text analysis" with no document opened
- translations of the program are now uncompleted

The original Texmaker program is released under the GPL license : so you can, of course, make and distribute a program which use the original code. But if you make a fork, you have to change the name of the program, the icons which contain the name "texmaker" and the link to the project home site (according to the GPL license and the french laws)
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Re: TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

>the texmaker.exe file (windows binary) is included in the source package!!!
>the windows dll are included in the linux-ubuntu package!!!
>the program crashes if you launch the "text analysis" with no document opened
Ups, I will fix this in the next version.

>syntax highlighting doesn't work
>bookmarks don't work (and can't be used with the three bookmarks buttons at the bottom of the window's program)
They work, but you have to copy the qxs-directory into the directory containing the texmaker binary. (I forgot to add /share/texmaker to the search paths, and was to lazy to add the files to the qMakefile)

>(and latex users don't need highlighting options for "preprocessor", "doxygen keywords" !!)
I thought they are useful, when someone wants to open c++ files with it.

>compiling the program is a nightmare : to install the qcodeedit library, you have to launch qmake three times
When I tried it, it worked with just qmake && make && make install.

> the popup completion window is ugly (this is not the original qt widget for that - there is a lot of troubles with the qcodeedit library)
Actually I like it better than the old one, it doesn't vanish if you move the cursor or change to another program.
What do you doesn't like with it? (missing shadow?)

>some dialog layouts are not set correctly
Which one?

>translations of the program are now uncompleted
I neither speak French nor could I figure out, how to open the qm-files.

>have to change the name of the program, and the link to the project home site
I did this, but only in the info dialog. (I didn't want to change the name in so many files to make it easier to merge it back)

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TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

I put it on sourceforge and fixed most of the problems you mentioned.
You can now download the latest source under http://texmakerx.svn.sourceforge.net/sv ... erx/trunk/
Binaries will follow soon (or later)
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TexMakerX (with interactive spellchecking!)

Post by benibela »

The binaries for Windows and Linux (created/tested on Ubuntu) of the first release are now available.

Has any one here a Mac? I still haven't found someone who would compile it there.
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