minimal working example combined for the online editor:
Code: Select all
author = {Doe, John AND Dane, Jeanne-Fran\c{c}oise},
date-modified = {2022-11-22 07:31:07 +0100},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {Some Book},
year = {2016}}
\geometry{a4paper, total={170mm, 247mm}, left = 20mm, top = 25mm}
\usepackage{biblatex} %[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% You don't need this line with LaTeX >= 2018/04/01.
\usepackage[british]{babel}% I would always select the language before loading most other packages.
\title{My doc}
\author{My name}
% Activate to display a given date or no date \date{}
An element $x = \left(x^1, ..., x^d\right) \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is a column vector with transpose $x'$.
Other stuff in appendix
\printbibliography %[heading=bibintoc]
does work in the online compiler. So this is a configuration issue on your computer, either the editor or the TeX distribution. First have a look into the directory of the document. Is there a file with extension
and file date/time of your last LaTeX run? If so, have a look into it. It's a simple text file, so you can open it with the editor. Are there any error message or other strange messages? If there isn't such a file, already calling LaTeX has been failed. Try another LaTeX editor. If you cannot find something strange in the log file, search for a file with extension
and file date/time of your last
run. Do the same with this file, as mentioned for the log file, because this is the log file of
Doing the LaTeX run and the
run manually from a terminal window (don't forget, you need at least: LaTeX + biber + LaTeX + LaTeX for a complete build) could also give more information. At least after doing so, you know whether you have a LaTeX, biber or editor issue.
BTW: I don't know anything about TeXifier. So I don't know anything about using the editor to delete the
cache. However, you can also try
biber --cache
in a terminal window. If this works, you can manually delete the shown directory. Note: The next
run after deleting the cache will be slow, because it first has to build a new cache. If
biber --cache
already fails, you have to search the cache directory manually and delete it manually.
Note: Sometimes updating MacTeX/TeX Live and deleting all auxiliary files in the document directory (make a backup copy before!) can solve problems. Unfortunately sometimes things get worse by an update.