Fonts & Character SetsIs there an analogue of \mathcal but with Greek letters?

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Is there an analogue of \mathcal but with Greek letters?

Post by OGBond »

I would like to know whether there is any sort of analogue of the \mathcal font style, but with capital Greek letters? A quick Google search leads me to believe that there isn't one, but I have also been told that you can import non-LaTeX fonts for use with LaTeX. I then did a quick Google search for "Greek calligraphy fonts" and all I could find were Greek-esque fonts.

Furthermore, is there anybody else who would be interested in such a font? In particular, I would like to be able to use them for my applied mathematical work. It would be good to use such characters as dimensional scalings for variables given by Greek letters - not urgent but would be good!

Maybe I could commission someone to develop a Greek calligraphy font for this purpose?

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