Your Kind support is highly appricated for providing me LaTeX template of MethodsX journal, I have Emailed the journal but they said to me as below :
Please select and download the correct template from the Guide for Authors, in order to prepare your article. The manuscript should adhere to the MethodsX format and will be sent out for review only if the article conforms to the MethodsX format. MethodsX does not have a specific template for LaTex files at the moment so you can use the details @ https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author ... structions to upload your LaTex files
I have used Procedia Template, but they refused the template because it was nearest to MethodX template.
Your advice please to choose the right MethodsX Elsevier template.
Best Regards
Articles, Essays, and Journal Templates ⇒ MethodsX template
MethodsX template
Why??? They explicitly told you in the LaTeX Instructions to either useMicho87 wrote: I have used Procedia Template
or Elsevier's CAS templates. So you really should do so. The more you deviate from the publisher's instructions, the more work they have to do and the less chance you have of getting the article accepted.Often publishers also accept articles using standard class
without any changes at the lookalike. Because adapting simple article
documents to the publishers workflow is mostly easy. But using any template not provided by this publisher to be used for this journal is mostly self-defeating.Please note: This thread is outside my competence topics. So I usually will not participate beside this single reply.
My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.
MethodsX template
Thanks for your quick response and for your clarification my friend