LettersAdding a subject and aligning the closing with the sender's address

Formal letters, Cover letters, Newsletters
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Adding a subject and aligning the closing with the sender's address

Post by cheesesofnazareth »

I am trying to write a formal letter. I am unable to find a suitable solution for the following problems:

1. I want to declare subject in the preamble. When I compile the file, the subject should be inserted between the recipient's address and the opening.

2. I want the closing and signature to align to right of the page, in-line with the sender's address.

The sample code is provided below:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{letter}
\address{Cream Cheese\\Living here,\\ In a locality,\\ City--90071,\\ Provience.\\newuser@gmail.com}

\signature{Dr. C Cheese}
\begin{letter}{Maced Wine,\\ Living there,\\Another locality,\\New Country.\\}
\opening{Dear Ms. M. Wine,}%

This is a test document.\par 
How do I go declare a separate subject? I want it placed between the reciepient's address and the opening\par
Also, how do I go about moving the closing declaration closer to the right of the page? I would prefer that it aligned with the address?


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Kreuz Elf
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:33 pm

Adding a subject and aligning the closing with the sender's address

Post by Kreuz Elf »

i'm sry, but it seems this isn't possible in your document class of choice. You could try a different one like for example the newer "scrlttr2". In this you could at least make a subject with:

Code: Select all

\setkomavar{subject}{Very important letter}
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