Page LayoutWhy is my footer text going to second line even though I have more than enough space

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Why is my footer text going to second line even though I have more than enough space

Post by ajinkya99 »

Hi, first of all, I am a complete beginner to any code-based editing, I am using Jake's Resume Template on one's suggestion and making some modifications as I see fit, recently I wanted to make a change and add some to my footer, however, there's some issue with the text, as you can see in the attachment, the last word "you" goes to the second text despite my margins being set to 1.5in and being common everywhere. How do I fix this?
latex issue.PNG
latex issue.PNG (27.67 KiB) Viewed 2602 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Why is my footer text going to second line even though I have more than enough space

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi ajinkya,

welcome to the forum!

Perhaps post your code, because we cannot really see what you are doing in the code. You can remove non-relevant things in the copy you would post here.

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Why is my footer text going to second line even though I have more than enough space

Post by ajinkya99 »

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the warm welcome! I am sorry I thought I pasted the relevant code. Here it is, this is the code i edited to get the footer lines:

Code: Select all

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[C]{Contact me at 12345566, \href{}{\underline{}}, looking forward to working with you }
\renewcommand\footrule{\hrule width\textwidth }
% Adjust margins
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Why is my footer text going to second line even though I have more than enough space

Post by MjK »

With fancyhdr you should change the margins, text width etc. before loading fancyhdr. Otherwise you also have to adjust the width of the header and footer (see the manual fancyhdr, section 2 and 18 for more information).
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