Page LayoutVertical separation of one page into two

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Vertical separation of one page into two

Post by 0Jam »

Dear all,

I would like to separate a scrartcl somehow, because presentation of a prof's script without scrolling and thus just skipping to the bottom of each page via commands on a projector is easier.
There is a lot of documentation about horizontal separation, twocolumn documents, book-style, but none about basically converting a normal portrait document into two, half as big, landscape pages - just splitting it vertically.
My biggest concern is that I would like to have page numbers in the header and the bottom part would be the next page, thus page numbering continues/doubles.
I have thought about adding a help variable which goes up every time a new page begins and then playing around with that, but then the page numbering would need to be redefined with the new variable, because of toc-linking and bibliography etc. There has to be an easier way.

Any thoughts about how this would be the easiest to achieve? Maybe there are templates for this already? Am I just stupid and overlooked something obvious?

Otherwise I guess I need to check if a page number is even/odd for displaying header/footer every time.

See attachment below for my thoughts on this.

Thank you lots!


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