I am using LATEX for just the second time, as part of my Real Analysis course.
I thought I found the correct instructions on how to set this up (it is a very simple proof after having just gotten the definition of continuity), but I get a bunch of "Missing $ inserted" errors and one "Bad math environment delimiter" error.
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\title{M4 Written Assignment Exercise 1}
\author{John J. Scotch II}
\address{SUNY Empire State College\\
Center for Distance Learning\\
Saratoga Springs, New York}
\date{March 27, 2022}
Use definition 4.2.1 to supply a proof for the following limit statement: $\lim_{x}^{1} 3x + 4$.
Let $\epsilon > 0$. We need to select a \delta such that $0 < |x - 1| < \delta$ implies that $|f(x) - 7| < \epsilon$.
We note that
\|f(x) - 7| = |(3x + 4) - 7| = |3x - 3| = 3|x - 1|.
Thus, if we choose $\delta = \( \frac{\epsilon}{3} \)$, then $0 < |x - 1| < \delta$ implies that $|f(x) - 7| = 3|x - 1| < 3(\frac{\epsilon}{3} \) = \epsilon$. \qed
Thanks, J.J.