I would like to ask how it is possible to make this type of option in latex where the switches are gray. I can replicate these circuits with CircuiTik, but I don't know how can I do this option. Any idea?
thanks for your help

Code: Select all
\usepackage[siunitx, american,european,arrowmos,cuteinductors]{circuitikz}
\ctikzset{tripoles/mos style/arrows} %add arrows on the MOS
\begin{circuitikz}[american,line width=1pt] %increase the thickness of the line
%Grid for initial drawing.
%Comment next three lines once typesetting finished
\draw[step=0.5,very thin, black!20] (-0.5,-1) grid (\figWd,\figHt);
\foreach \x in {0,...,\figWd} {\node [anchor=north] at (\x,-1) {\x};}
\foreach \y in {-1,...,\figHt} {\node [anchor=east] at (-0.5,\y) {\y};}
%Instantiation of components
% Normally Open Switch
\draw (2,6) to[nos,l_=$S_1$,color=gray,-](4,6);
\draw (4,6) to[ncs,l_=$S_2$,i=$q/2$,-] (6,6);
\draw (2,4) to[ncs,l_=$S_3$,-*] (4,4);
\draw (4,4) to[nos,l_=$S_4$,color=gray] (6,4);
\draw (2,2) to[ncs,l_=$S_7$,i^<=$0$,-] (4,2);
\draw (4,0) to[nos,l_=$S_8$,i^<=$0$,color=gray,-] (6,0);
\draw (4,6) to[C,l^=$C_1$,*-*] (4,4);
\draw (4,2) to[C,l^=$C_2$] (4,0);
\draw (7,4) to[C,l^=$C_L$,*-] (7,2.5) node[sground]{};
\draw (2,4) to[short, *-o] (1,4) node[anchor=east]{$V_{in}$};
\draw (2,4) -- (2,6);
\draw (2,4) -- (2,2);
\draw (6,4) -- (7,4);
\draw (6,6) to[short, -*] (6,4);
\draw (6,0) -- (6,4);
\draw (7,4) to[short, *-o] (8,4) node[anchor=west]{$V_{out}$};
%\draw (C.source) node[ground]{};