BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibliography

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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Post by DAfe »

Hi, I am currently sorting out my bibliography for my dissertation.

I have roughly 30 references, of which have all been cited in my thesis and are recognised in the document (as they are numbered and do not show (??) ) - however when it comes to creating the PDF only 18 of my 30 references are showing in the references\bibliography.

Please could someone help with this?

Thanks in Advance,
DA :)

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Ijon Tichy
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Post by Ijon Tichy »

Have a look if there are error messages in the *.blg file (this is the log file of either bibtex or biber) and if there are error messages or warnings in the *.log file.

I this does not help, you have to reduce your document to a Infominimal working example and show it. Otherwise we cannot help.
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Post by DAfe »


Thanks for your response, I have opened the .log file and I can see this message,

dfTeX warning (dest): name{} has been referenced but does not exist, re
placed by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{} has been referenced but does not exist, re
placed by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.marsh} has been referenced but does not exist,
replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.gibbons1993test} has been referenced but does
not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.cir} has been referenced but does not exist, r
eplaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.vasicek} has been referenced but does not exis
t, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.con} has been referenced but does not exist, r
eplaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.cox1976valuation} has been referenced but does
not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.brigo2} has been referenced but does not exist
, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.cap} has been referenced but does not exist, r
eplaced by a fixed one

the message is longer, however it has only generated some of my cited references in in my reference section.

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Ijon Tichy
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Post by Ijon Tichy »

Unfortunately this is not half of the information I've asked for. Nevertheless, the already tell us, that some of you references cannot be found. The reason can be, that you just have to run bibtex/biber (don't know, which is needed by you document, because the Infominimal working example I've asked for is still missing) or that there was an error while the bibtex/biber run (don't know this, because the *.blg file I've asked for is still missing).

Sorry for the insufficient help, but with insufficient information, I fight with blunt swords.
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Post by DAfe »


Thanks for your response,

Have a look if there are error messages in the *.blg file (this is the log file of either bibtex or biber) and if there are error messages or warnings in the *.log file.
file:line:error style messages enabled.
./citation2 .bib:1: LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
./citation2 .bib:1: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
These are the messages of the log file of my bib document. Im not sure why there is an error of 'missing \begin{document}' as I have specified that in the preamble..

this is my preamble..

Code: Select all

\definecolor{note_fontcolor}{rgb}{0.816406, 0, 0.4375}
 breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfborderstyle={},backref=false,colorlinks=true]


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
%% The greyedout annotation environment
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.






and this is the end of my doc

Code: Select all





Hope this is better,

Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: code marked
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Ijon Tichy
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Post by Ijon Tichy »

Unfortunately this in not a Infominimal working example, because essential files like citation2.bib are missing. The code is also not marked correctly as code. All other information I explicitly asked for is also still missing. I've now tried two times to get all relevant information. Sorry, but I unsubscribe this topic now. Too much already wasted time.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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