Curricula Vitae / RésumésDeveloper CV Avoid Overlapping Text

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Developer CV Avoid Overlapping Text

Post by jdelaney8340 »


Using the developer CV template (found here: and have found it to be great. However, I am currently encountering an issue where longer text will cause the bubble labels to overlap. Is there anything that could be amended in the preamble or within the bubble command itself to fix this?


Code: Select all


% Command to output a number of automatically-sized bubbles from a string in the format of '<size>/<label>', e.g. \bubbles{5/Eclipse, 6/git, 4/Office, 3/Inkscape, 3/Blender}
	% Reset counters
		\foreach \p/\t in {#1} {

% Command to output a bubble at a specific position with a specific size
	\filldraw[fill=black, draw=none] (#1,0.5) circle (#3); % Bubble
	\node[label=\textcolor{black}{#4}] at (#1,0.7) {}; % Label


Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Mon Feb 14, 2022 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: code marked

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Developer CV Avoid Overlapping Text

Post by jdelaney8340 »


Just to update, think I've managed to fix the issue of the overlapping label text, by adding the package \usetikzlibrary{positioning} and replacing the original Bubbles code in the preamble with the following:

Code: Select all

\newcommand\bubbles[1] {%
    \coordinate (a0) at (0,0);
    \foreach \sz/\name [count=\cnt,count=\xcnt from 0] in {#1} {%
        \node[right=0pt of a\xcnt,minimum height=.75cm] (a\cnt) {\name};
        \path (a\cnt.south);
        \node[fill=black,circle,minimum size=5*\sz] at ([yshift=-3.5pt]a\cnt.south) {};
Hope this may help someone else. Found the solution from the following link: ... and-images


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