Hello all, I would like to extend my ToC linking, using the hyperref package and documentclass scrartcl, to not only be linked at the left (section numbering) and the title of the section, but to go all the way to the right. Therefore when mouse clicking on the dotted lines and the page number of the section, it would take me there as well.
Red: how it is
Blue: How I want it
Page Layout ⇒ Table of Contents Hyperlinks on Page Numbers too
Table of Contents Hyperlinks on Page Numbers too

Code: Select all
\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}% See hyperref manual section 5.13
My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.
Table of Contents Hyperlinks on Page Numbers too
Thank you so much MjK, perfect answer! <3