I'm "coming back" to the TeX (and friends) world after some time (i.e. 15-20 years ago). If I remember correctly, when I last used LaTeX for my master thesis, the situation was more or less like this:
* LaTeX whas the "common" choice for structured documents
* Fonts were bitmap, and anything different from Computer Modern was a PITA (I had to do some resarch and hacks before I could use a Type1 font)
* Output was DVI and going to PDF was a two/three steps procedure
* I made all figures with MetaPost, and that was somehow "novel"
* I used to use a text editor, vim (and probably will, I don't like WYSIWYG and the like)
* "THE" community was the comp.text.tex newsgroup
Now I suppose something has evolved. Is still LaTeX the way to go? What happened of LaTeX3? Or should I look at other formats like Context (if it's still alive). Is font management the way it was in 2000? I see there are some "new engines" like luaTex, eTex, pdfTex, pdfeTex, etc. What is "the new normal"? Also I see the newsgroup is now mainly CTAN announcements. What are the main places where to go for help? What is the most "lively" community? Am I in the right place?

Thanks in advance (and sorry for any mistakes, English is not my language).