Here is a sample output.

command doesn't give me even spaces.Code: Select all
\usepackage{array}% makes >{decl.} available
\usepackage[automake, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
% source: styles/glossary-long.sty
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2}%
\glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} & --- &
\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space ##2\tabularnewline
& \tabularnewline
% source: test-entries
Code: Select all
\usepackage{array}% makes >{decl.} available
\usepackage[automake, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
% source: styles/glossary-long.sty
@{}% no extra indent before the entries
@{}% no extra horizontal space after the entries
% source: test-entries
in the <end code> of a \newenvironment
does usually result in an error. So you have to use the (somehow internal) \xltabular
, \endxltabular
Code: Select all
\usepackage{array}% makes >{decl.} available
\usepackage[automake, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
% source: styles/glossary-long.sty
{\xltabular{\linewidth}{% Note: You cannot use \begin{xltabular} here.
@{}% no extra indent before the entries
%>{\raggedright}% optional ragged right for last column
@{}% no extra horizontal space after the entries
{\endxltabular}% Note: You cannot use \end{xltabular} here.
% source: test-entries
Ijon Tichy wrote:You even could use packageCode: Select all
\begin{document} \printglossary[style=longwithseparator] \end{document}
xltabular to automatically stretch the table to the whole text width. But this is a little bit tricky, because
in the <end code> of a\newenvironment
does usually result in an error. So you have to use the (somehow internal)\xltabular
:This is the same trick, that is also documented forCode: Select all
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{array}% makes >{decl.} available \usepackage[automake, nogroupskip]{glossaries} \usepackage{xltabular} % source: styles/glossary-long.sty \newglossarystyle{xlongwithseparator}{% \setglossarystyle{long}% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2}% \renewenvironment{theglossary}% {\xltabular{\linewidth}{% Note: You cannot use \begin{xltabular} here. @{}% no extra indent before the entries >{\raggedright}p{.2\textwidth} @{\quad---\quad} %>{\raggedright}% optional ragged right for last column X @{}% no extra horizontal space after the entries }% }% {\endxltabular}% Note: You cannot use \end{xltabular} here. } \makeglossaries % source: test-entries \loadglsentries{example-glossaries-long} \renewcommand{\glsnumberformat}[1]{[\glshypernumber{#1}]} \glsaddall \begin{document} \printglossary[style=xlongwithseparator] \end{document}
The command increases the space between the heading and the first entry. Since I didn't know whether this would bother the topic starter, I decided against it.Ijon Tichy wrote:@Bartman Why not the somehow more simple\arraystretch
You can simply changeBartman wrote:The command increases the space between the heading and the first entry. Since I didn't know whether this would bother the topic starter, I decided against it.Ijon Tichy wrote:@Bartman Why not the somehow more simple\arraystretch
to compensate this, e.g. add
Code: Select all
\setlength{\LTpre}{0pt}% No initial vertical skip.
Code: Select all
\setlength{\LTpre}{\smallskipamount}% Only a small initial vertical skip.
resp. \xltabular
.Code: Select all
\documentclass[a4paper,14pt, oneside]{extarticle}
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}
\newfontfamily\cyrillicfonttt{CMU Typewriter Text}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\cyrillicfont{Times New Roman}
\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}
\makeatletter\AtBeginDocument{\let\@elt\relax}\makeatother % babel 3.40 fix
% ГОСТовские настройки для полей
\usepackage[left=30mm,right=10mm,top=20mm,bottom=20mm, nofoot, nomarginpar]{geometry}
\usepackage{multirow, longtable}
\usepackage{booktabs} %Книжные таблицы
\usepackage[xindy={glsnumbers=false}, nonumberlist, nopostdot, nogroupskip, toc, translate=babel, acronym, automake]{glossaries}
@{}% no extra indent before the entries
{\xltabular{\linewidth}{% Note: You cannot use \begin{xltabular} here.
@{}% no extra indent before the entries
%>{\raggedright}% optional ragged right for last column
@{}% no extra horizontal space after the entries
{\endxltabular}% Note: You cannot use \end{xltabular} here.
name={Авторские права},
plural={авторские права},
description={интеллектуальные права на произведения науки, литературы и искусства}
description={документ, дающий исключительное право его владельцу на изобретение, промышленный образец, полезную модель или селекционное достижение}
description={GNU's Not Unix}
\newacronym{prnu}{\texttt{PRNU}}{Photo Response Non-Uniformity}
\newacronym{vlnd}{ВЛНД}{вероятность ложного недопуска}
\newacronym{frr}{\texttt{FRR}}{false reject rate}
\newacronym{vld}{ВЛД}{вероятность ложного допуска}
\gls{frr}, \gls{prnu}, \gls{vlnd}, \gls{vld}
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, style=acr_xlongwithseparator]