Hello, I am using kaobook template to write a teaching manual for my graduate students at the Institute of Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. I am using the kaobook template (originally available from Overleaf, but no longer; now it is available only from Latex Templates (any reason for Overleaf stopping distributing it?).
I would like very much to use it using an Editor from my Mac computers, but up to now I was not successful to do it, had to continue using Overleaf for that. As I am not a LaTeX expert I am not able to cope with, apparently, simple issues.
(1) My local editor (Texstudio) stops when it finds the "\labch" command; how to cope with that?
(2) the \setchapterpreamble{\margintoc} command sometimes generates the margin TOC displaced to the right, printing the toc beyond the margins. Any way or option to bring the toc back to its original position?
Many thanks in advance,
Carlos Morel
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ Kaobook template
Kaobook template
Hi, the second problem should disappear if you compile the document again. Sometimes, up to four consecutive compilations are necessary before LaTeX can position all the elements correctly. I don't use TeXstudio so I don't know how to help you with the first problem, but the \labch command should be defined in the kaorefs.sty file: maybe you just have to add in your main.tex?
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- Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:05 pm
Kaobook template
Wow, you were right, it really worked for me. Thank you!fmarotta wrote:Hi, the second problem should disappear if you compile the document again. Sometimes, up to four consecutive compilations are necessary before LaTeX can position all the elements correctly. I don't use TeXstudio so I don't know how to help you with the first problem, but the \labch command should be defined in the kaorefs.sty file: maybe you just have to addin your main.tex?Code: Select all