WinEdtWinEdt10.3 cannot compile the template of Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

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WinEdt10.3 cannot compile the template of Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

Post by ouros »

I am writing a paper for the Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing currently, and I have a problem. My Winedt cannot compile the template.

Here is the log of the PDFTeXify:

Command Line: pdflatex.exe --interaction=errorstopmode --synctex=-1 "Journal_Tex_template_manual.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\Users\xumt\Desktop\english-template

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (MiKTeX 21.2)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4
L3 programming layer <2021-02-18> xparse <2020-03-03> (jsme-tj.cls
Document Class: jsme-tj 2013/08/08 ver.3.1 Showa-johoprocess
No file Journal_Tex_template_manual.aux.

It always stuck at (D:\software\winedt10\Miktex\tex/latex/psnfss\ot1phv.fd), and I do have this file in the right place. So, I don't understand why the compiling cannot go on.

Maybe someone can give me some useful suggestions. THX
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WinEdt10.3 cannot compile the template of Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

Post by rais »

Your class file contains the line

Code: Select all

which creates an infinite loop with a fairly recent LaTeX-Kernel, as soon as you try to call \, (and \, is called within \maketitle here). Delete that line and notify the maintainer of that class.

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WinEdt10.3 cannot compile the template of Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

Post by ouros »

rais wrote:Your class file contains the line

Code: Select all

which creates an infinite loop with a fairly recent LaTeX-Kernel, as soon as you try to call \, (and \, is called within \maketitle here). Delete that line and notify the maintainer of that class.


It really works, thank you. But another problem has arisen, the picture in it is only black, even the abstract section.

I think it may be related to these logs:
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
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<special> color push rgb .7412 .7647 .8863
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<special> color push rgb .7412 .7647 .8863
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<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
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<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
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Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
Non-PDF special ignored!
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Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
Non-PDF special ignored!
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Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
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Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb 0 0 0
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb .0235 .3608 .6588
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push rgb .0235 .3608 .6588
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color push Black
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<special> color push gray 1
Non-PDF special ignored!
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Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop
Non-PDF special ignored!
<special> color pop

May you have some clues on it. Thank you again!

Binzi Xu
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Ijon Tichy
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WinEdt10.3 cannot compile the template of Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

Post by Ijon Tichy »

The class is relates on: TeX-source → LaTeX → DVI-file → dvips → PS -file→ pstopdf → PDF-file, instead of: TeX-source → pdfLaTeX → PDF-file. You can try to delete all the dvips options in the class file. However, if the publisher wants this (in our days outdated) build process, you should use it. Moreover, if the class has an mistake like the \, you should contact the publisher. Maybe there is already a newer version of the class somewhere available from the publisher.

BTW: In the class even a \usepackage command has been used. But classes should not use \usepackage but \RequirePackage only. So if you edit the class, you should change this too.

Please note: The community is not responsible for non-free classes or packages. Nor can we change the class. If there are problems with such classes or packages, you should always contact the maintainer of the class/package or in your case your publisher contact.

Note also: If you change the class or the build process, you should additionally inform the publisher of your change. Otherwise is could happen, that the original build process of the publisher will fails.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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