Document ClassesList of Abbreviations with nomencl package

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List of Abbreviations with nomencl package

Post by leh00 »


For my thesis I would like to create a List of Abbreviations/Nomenclature after my list of figures etc, the nomencl package seems to be ideal for this but I just can't quite get it to work, in my preamble I have used the following code to call the package and to change the name of the page title from 'Nomenclature' to 'List of Abbreviations' (as per my Uni's requirements).

Code: Select all

\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbreviations}
The following code is a scaled down version of the start of my document, I would like to have a List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Equations then List of Abbreviations (I have tried to create a page withe the layout adjusted the same as I have for the List of Figures etc).

Code: Select all




\write18{makeindex Thesis.nlo -s -o Thesis.nls}
An example of how I have added abbreviations to be used in the main text is below

Code: Select all

BTV \nomenclature{BTV}{Bluetongue Virus}
The file seems to run without error and I have a 'Thesis.nlo' generated which when opened in notepad contains all the abbreviations from my document but the List of Abbreviations does not appear (nor does a blank page) in my final pdf and in the output log there is a message 'No file Thesis.nls'. I am using TeXnicCenter 7.50, I have 'uses MakeIndex' in the project properties selected and in the Build --> profiles the makeindex executable path is C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe and the files is there.

I think my problem may be do with makeindex not being run, but I am not sure how to do this, or if this is my problem, any suggestions will be gratefully be appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance


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Re: List of Abbreviations with nomencl package

Post by s0198362 »

Once you have run latex on the files, you need to include the abbreviations file.

In Winedt, this is done by opening the command prompt window, ensuring you are in the correct directory of the main tex file, and typing the following.

makeindex thesis.nlo -s -o thesis.nls

Run latex again afterwards and the page should be there.
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