MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronymsnomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by Finchen »

Hello everyone!
I've got a problem with the nomentbl option of the nomencl package: pdflatex just doesn't want to compile the pdf with the error message "%Filename%.nls:2: Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used". Does anyone has an idea what is wrong?
Here is the minimal example:

Code: Select all

\usepackage[noprefix, nomentbl]{nomencl}
\nomenclature[z]{$z$}{Weg}{meter m}{xyz}
And this is the .nls file:

Code: Select all

  \item &{$z$}&\begingroup Weg\endgroup &\begingroup meter m\endgroup &\begingroup xyz\endgroup &\begingroup \nomeqref {0.0}\nompageref{1}
I already implemented the "makeindex" -command in my LaTeX-Editor (LaTeX-workshop in VS Code) and I also tried to execute the command in the terminal, so I think there shouldn't be a problem with generating the .nls file from .nlo. I installed TeXLive 2021 on my computer.

You find the .log file in the attachment. I am new to this forum, so please tell me if you need any other information or file for solving this problem. I hope for your help!
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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by Finchen »

I found a solution - although it's not the best, because it uses the package "nomentbl" instead of the package "nomencl" with option "nomentbl". But at least it works, I just couldn't make it work with the nomencl package.

If anyone has a similar problem and is interested in my solution:
I downloaded the nomentbl package from this link: . Then I ran the nomentbl.ins file in the TeX Works Editor to generate Afterwards, I put and nomentbl.sty in the same directory as my .tex document. I added the \usepackage{longtabe} and changed \usepackage[nomentbl]{nomencl} to \usepackage{nomentbl}.

I read that this is not recommended because nomentbl is an old package. So if anyone has a better idea how to overcome the error, I am happy to hear it:)
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Stefan Kottwitz
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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Finchen,

thank you for letting us know your solution!

Regarding the original problem, possibly you use makeindex -s but should use makeindex -s

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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by Finchen »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote: Regarding the original problem, possibly you use makeindex -s but should use makeindex -s

Hi Stefan,

thank you for your answer, but I think that this is not the mistake. I copy the LaTeX tool "makeindex" that I added in the settings.json file of VSCode down here:

{"name": "makeindex",
"command": "makeindex",
"env": {}
Additionally, I added the "makeindex" command in a new LaTeX recipe like this:
"name": "pdflatex ➞ makeindex ➞ pdflatex × 2",
"tools": [
And the recipe works in combination with the nomentbl usepackage.

Also with the file in the same folder I couldn`t use the \usepackage[nomentbl]{nomenclature} and the same error message appeared.
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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by rais »

I don't think it's a good idea to mix the file (written for nomentbl package) with nomencl package and its nomentbl option.
In fact, I haven't found any indication in the most recent documentation of the nomencl package, that anything else than `-s' should be given to makeindex when using nomencl package---regardless of its nomentbl option.
To me it rather looks like something else has changed, say, siunitx no longer provides an s-column, but nomencl tries to utilize it...

Code: Select all

\usepackage[noprefix, nomentbl]{nomencl}
\nomenclature[z]{$z$}{Weg}{meter m}{xyz}
should work then, because it tells nomencl not to use the s column...
Also note the `x': without text for output, there won't be any nomenclature ;)
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Ijon Tichy
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nomenclature/nomentbl: error Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Another suggestion would be to emulate the s-column. See section 5 of the current siunitx manual for more information.

And because this is an incompatibility of current nomencl with current siunitx, you should report the bug: →
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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