LaTeX Beginner's GuideVertically aligning limits of consecutive math operators

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Vertically aligning limits of consecutive math operators

Post by Reader »

Near the end of Chapter 9, Writing Math Formulas, it's mentioned that with the mathtools package we can align limits of consecutive math operators vertically.

Do you have an example how to do that?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Vertically aligning limits of consecutive math operators

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Here is an example taken from the LaTeX Cookbook, Chapter 10, Advanced Mathematics:

Code: Select all

  \lim_{n\to\infty} \sup_{x\in\mathds{R}} f_n(x^2)
  < n \Big(\sum_{x\in\mathds{R}, n\in\mathds{N}}
  \big| f_n(x^2) \big| \Big)
We get:
inequality.png (14.04 KiB) Viewed 138004 times
Now we load the mathtools package, use the \adjustlimits command right before the \lim operator, insert \smashoperator to remove that big white space before \sum, and change x^2 to \cramped{x^2} to slightly lower the exponent, at both places:

Code: Select all

  \adjustlimits\lim_{n\to\infty} \sup_{x\in\mathds{R}}
    < n \Big( \smashoperator{\sum_{x\in\mathds{R},
    \big\lvert f_n(\cramped{x^2}) \big\rvert \Big)
We get:
finetuned.png (12.5 KiB) Viewed 138004 times
You can see that the limits onm the left side have been adjusted vertically, and some more mentioned finetuning. The mathtools manual gives further information.


Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:55 pm. admin
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