Fonts & Character SetsGreek Diacritic Question

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Greek Diacritic Question

Post by Anymouse »

I'm inserting a single Greek word into a LaTeX document being compiled with pdflatex so I can't really use unicode input.

After several hours of searching I finally found the easy way to do what I want to do (I am not always skilled at searching) but I still need to figure out how to make the correct diacritic mark.

This is what I have in my preamble related to the Greek word:

Code: Select all

Still have to play around with what font I want but it seems that works well with most if not all LGR fonts.

Then in the document I have this:

Code: Select all

That typesets this:


What I want to typeset has a different breathing mark over the leading upsilon:


Subtle difference but different than I have, I just can't find where the diacritics are documented. Obviously the apostrophe I am using is for a different breathing mark (and correct for the eta)

Thank you to whoever knows.

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Greek Diacritic Question

Post by Anymouse »

Solved by trial and error

Code: Select all

Using a less-than causes the right breathing mark to be used.
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