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Hello and Etiquette question

Post by Anymouse »

Hi! I've been using LaTeX for awhile but would consider myself a light user, definitely not a guru. I frequently have to look at stuff I wrote in the past to remember how I did it :lol:

Anyway, for a recent project, I wanted a TrueType monospace font under SIL OFL.

Getting it to work with pdflatex was a bit tricky because it has "OS/2 version" set to 4 which the pdftex engine doesn't like.
Setting it to 3 wasn't as easy as just opening it in FontForge and changing that property---there was an option I had to uncheck first or FontForge would automatically set the "OS/2 version" to 4 when generating the fonts. Once I figured that out I was able to generate TTF fonts that do work with pdftex.

Since it was tricky to get it to work and there is only a small selection of monospace fonts w/ all four common variants (regular, italic, bold, bold-italic) and since the font is OFL, I made a github repo for it, with all the files needed to get the font working in TeXLive.

Would it be okay to share link to that repo or is that considered spammy?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Hello and Etiquette question

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

Feel free to post your LaTeX related project links here, no worries.

Stefan admin
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