Graphics, Figures & Tablesinput tikz file when using a tikz library

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input tikz file when using a tikz library

Post by tush »

I have the following drawing made with tikz:

Code: Select all

% File myDrawing.tex

\usetikzlibrary{math} %needed tikz library
\tikzmath{\x1 = 1; \y1 =1; \x2 = \x1 + 1; \y2 =\y1 +3; } 

% Using the variables for drawing
    \draw[very thick, -stealth] (\x1, \y1)--(\x2, \y2);

Of course, I can create a `tikz` file with the name `myDrawing.tikz`, which I want to transplant in my article:

Code: Select all

Lorem ipsum, and this is a figure:
\caption{Caption to My drawing}
where the tikz file is simply the `tikzpicture` environment from the first code snippet above.

But notice that this tikz picture has a call for a tikzlibrary (math) and also defines some coordinates.

What is the correct way to create a tikz file to be included in a document (article, book, beamer) that also has lines of code outside the tikzpicture environment?

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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