I want no header on the first (right/odd) chapter page, and the page number should be bottom-center.
Otherwise, the header should have a line underneath and a space (baselineskip) after that dividing the header and text block. Page number should be in the top-outer corner.
Centered in each header should be the book title on the left/even page and the current chapter on the right/odd page.
Text should be preferably roman, not italic, possibly bold
(For extra credit, why do the resulting PDF pages from my code have such a big bottom margin?)
Here is my MWE
Code: Select all
\ifoot*{} %these 3 lines correctly put pg. numbers in header
\ofoot*{} %but 1st page should be bottom centered
\cohead{chapter} % prints as literal string
\cehead{\textrm{title}} % but overwrite even pages with the title
\chapter*{\centering Chapter Heading: March} % asterix removes chapter number
\chapter*{\centering Chapter Heading: April}
And like I noted above, as long as you're looking at my code, particularly the {geometry} options on line 3, I am totally stumped about why the bottom third of the pages is blank.
Thanks for your help. I spent a lot of time searching here and SX, not to mention struggling with the 565 (!) page KOMA-Script manual) and have succeeded only in getting more confused. But experts say that in this year of pandemic isolation, many of us are experiencing mental fog. That's my story, and I'm stickin' with it.
Thanks for your help,