I’m setting a book with the memoir package. The text has section titles, and I’d like that the text after the titles keeps the same baseline grid as the text before – so that when I look at two pages side-by-side the text is properly aligned. (So, the question is in a way related to the difficult question of baseline grid.)
I guess that a simple approach could be: I set the spaces before and after the title so that the sum of space before + title leading + space after gives an integer number of lines (e.g. 3\baselineskip: 1.3 before and 0.7 after the title, + the height of the title itself, in my case 1\baselineskip), without rubber.
But if a section title happens to be at the beginning of a new page, LaTeX (very properly) ignores the space before the titles, so that in this case I have the title (1\baselineskip) + 0.7\baselineskip, and all the following text is not aligned with the other page...
Is it possible to say to LaTeX: if the title is at the beginning of the page, please put additional space (in this case 0.3\baselineskip) to get an integer?
Or is there another approach – perhaps better, and perhaps already built-in in the memoir package? I must say I’m not sure I’m understanding the package documentation on this subject.
Sorry for the naïf question (I’m just learning LaTeX and I’m not a mathematician nor a programmer), and thanks in advance for your thoughts and answers.
Page Layout ⇒ Title vertical spacing and grid alignment
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- Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:58 pm