I am working on writing my dissertation. I'm a linguist at UW Madison working with idioms in Spanish. I am writing my manuscript in Rmarkdown and using the bookdown package. I ran into this bug using the gb4e package to create examples and glosses.
Here is the error I get when trying to knit my document.
Code: Select all
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=10000].
\gb@ifnextchar #1#2#3->
\let \reserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a {#2}\def \reserv...
l.21 \catcode`\noexpand\^^A
Error: LaTeX failed to compile initial_data_wrangling.tex. See https://yihui.org/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips. See initial_data_wrangling.log for more info.
Execution halted
Code: Select all
title: "Experimental Design"
author: "Erwin Lares"
date: "12/23/2020"
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
bookdown::html_document2: default
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{float}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage{gb4e}
Code: Select all
\begin{xlist} % first embedding (alphabetical numbering)
\gll Mary kicked the bucket, she stubbed her toes. \\
Mary kick-PAST the bucket, 3S bruised-PAST 3S-POSS toe-PL \\
\trans ‘Mary made contact with the bucket with her toes forcefully ’
\gll Mary kicked the bucket, she's dead. \\
Mary kick-PAST the bucket, 3S COP-PRE dead-adj \\
\trans ‘Mary is dead.’
\end{xlist} % end first embedding
\gll This example does not contain sub examples.\\
DEMO-SING example DO-helping NEG contain sub examples\\
\trans ‘This is a plain example’
Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you for helping out