Theses, Books, Title pagesHow to remove the word 'Chapter' from page headers.

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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How to remove the word 'Chapter' from page headers.

Post by Idz »

Dear all,

I have been rather unsuccessful in my attempts to change the page headers to not displaying the word 'Chapter'. So to be precise, by default it shows for example 'Chapter 1. Introduction', where I want it to display '1. Introduction', '2. Another chapter', etc. Any suggestions on tackling this issue?

Help is appreciated!


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Ijon Tichy
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How to remove the word 'Chapter' from page headers.

Post by Ijon Tichy »

This depends on the class and if you are using page style packages like scrlayer-scrpage, fancyhdr or titleps or headings packages like titlesec or fncychap also on these. So please show us a Infominimal working example.

For example, with KOMA-Script classes it is very easy, either remove option chapterprefix or redefine \chaptermarkformat. See the manual for more information.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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How to remove the word 'Chapter' from page headers.

Post by Idz »

Ijon Tichy wrote:This depends on the class and if you are using page style packages like scrlayer-scrpage, fancyhdr or titleps or headings packages like titlesec or fncychap also on these. So please show us a Infominimal working example.

For example, with KOMA-Script classes it is very easy, either remove option chapterprefix or redefine \chaptermarkformat. See the manual for more information.
I am using the MDT-Template (so the base class is book), with no relevant modifications. I'll be happy to post the code, but I'm not sure how useful that would be since it's (almost) identical to the default template.
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How to remove the word 'Chapter' from page headers.

Post by Bartman »

Please explain to the readers of your topic where they can retrieve your template.

The MastersDoctoralThesis class (found at overleaf) is not only based on the book class, but also loads the already mentioned scrlayer-scrpage package. This loads the scrlayer package, which makes \chaptermarkformat available.
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