For each chapter, I have the reference section, but the chapter header becomes REFERENCE, it should still be the original chapter name.
Here is a MWE, using PdfLaTeX with BibTeX. On page 6 and 8, the header should be 1. INTRODUCTION, not REFERENCE.
the problem of this is that if i want to add subappendix after reference at each chapter. the header will still be REFERENCE, but i want it to be the real chapter name. like INTRODUCTION in this case.
I have tried to delete as much as i can. i assume that the problem happens with the fancypagestyle at the end part of the .cls file. thanks for all your kind help in advance.
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We use Latin Modern %% as a fallback, since Utopia lacks support for sans-serif and monospace. \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} \RequirePackage{lmodern} \RequirePackage{fourier} %% The style for titles is small caps. \def\titlefont{\rmfamily} \def\titleshape{\scshape} \def\titlestyle{\titlefont\titleshape\bfseries} \if@print \def\headerstyle{\titlefont\titleshape\bfseries} \else \def\headerstyle{\titlefont\titleshape} \fi \else %% The TU Delft house style fonts are Bookman Old Style (serif) for titles %% and Tahoma (sans-serif) for text. 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\begin{filecontents}{dissertation.bib} @ARTICLE{Einstein1906, author = {Einstein, A.}, title = {Eine neue Bestimmung der MolekEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue Bestimmung der Molek\"uldimensionenEine neue 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