Hi @all,
I am using
%Masters/Doctoral Thesis
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.5 (27/8/17)
which I downloaded here. Actually a very nice and helpful template !!!
I have one question related to chapter change. I have a pagebreak between the chapters which I would like to avoid.
Pagebreak is OK for TOC, Nomenclature, List of Figures etc. but between e.g. Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 etc. I do not need a pagebreak.
Is there any way to control that whether in the main.tex or MastersDoctoralThesis.cls?
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Cheers Michael
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
It is against the nature of a chapter, but you can do the following:
As you can see, the effect of the solution must be limited by a group so that it does not apply to all of the following chapters.
The source of the first approach.
Code: Select all
\chapter{Heading on the page}
% no newpage
\chapter{Heading one the same page}
\chapter{Heading after at least one page break}
The source of the first approach.
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
Thanks for the quick response. Much appreciated.
Unfortunately it is mixing up my complete document:
Before: Chapter 1 -> 1.5 pages, Chapter 2 starting as a new page
With the settings proposed:
Chapter 1: First page empty, starting completely mixed up on Page 2 with big gaps between lines, no footer restrictions. Chapter 2: starting somewhere ...
Unfortunately it is mixing up my complete document:
Before: Chapter 1 -> 1.5 pages, Chapter 2 starting as a new page
With the settings proposed:
Chapter 1: First page empty, starting completely mixed up on Page 2 with big gaps between lines, no footer restrictions. Chapter 2: starting somewhere ...
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
It WORKS ...
the problem was, this part needs to be before the \begingroup
% Define some commands to keep the formatting separated from the content
the problem was, this part needs to be before the \begingroup

% Define some commands to keep the formatting separated from the content
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
Now I have another issue 
using the proposed code is helping perfectly for putting chapters together.
But ...
%headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header
is not working anymore.
and how can I disable e.g. Chapter 5. Examples.
I just want on every "normal" page with exception of TOC, Nomenclature etc.) a line as header separator and just on the right side the page number.
BTW: You can the roman page number for TOC etc. be changed from e.g. ii to II (UPPERCASE)?
Many thanks for your help.
Cheers Michael

using the proposed code is helping perfectly for putting chapters together.
But ...
%headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header
is not working anymore.
and how can I disable e.g. Chapter 5. Examples.
I just want on every "normal" page with exception of TOC, Nomenclature etc.) a line as header separator and just on the right side the page number.
BTW: You can the roman page number for TOC etc. be changed from e.g. ii to II (UPPERCASE)?
Many thanks for your help.
Cheers Michael
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
It would be better for the overview, if you start a new topic for a new question.
MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS
Where do you need to include that code chunk that Bartman posted?
If I include it in the tex file, which binds the chapters together, under "% THESIS CONTENT - CHAPTERS", I would have to put the content of all the chapters into that one file too. Is there a way to keep the original chapter files separate but bind them together in a format where there is no pagebreak in between?
My supervisor asked if I could do that now, and I would prefer not to change too much before the deadline.
I just started on using latex recently, so apologies if I just did not apply Bartmans solution correctly.
If I include it in the tex file, which binds the chapters together, under "% THESIS CONTENT - CHAPTERS", I would have to put the content of all the chapters into that one file too. Is there a way to keep the original chapter files separate but bind them together in a format where there is no pagebreak in between?
My supervisor asked if I could do that now, and I would prefer not to change too much before the deadline.
I just started on using latex recently, so apologies if I just did not apply Bartmans solution correctly.