Theses, Books, Title pagesMastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by mgo4107 »

Hi @all,

I am using
%Masters/Doctoral Thesis
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.5 (27/8/17)

which I downloaded here. Actually a very nice and helpful template !!!

I have one question related to chapter change. I have a pagebreak between the chapters which I would like to avoid.

Pagebreak is OK for TOC, Nomenclature, List of Figures etc. but between e.g. Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 etc. I do not need a pagebreak.

Is there any way to control that whether in the main.tex or MastersDoctoralThesis.cls?

Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Cheers Michael

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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by Bartman »

It is against the nature of a chapter, but you can do the following:

Code: Select all


\chapter{Heading on the page}

% no newpage
\chapter{Heading one the same page}

\chapter{Heading after at least one page break}
As you can see, the effect of the solution must be limited by a group so that it does not apply to all of the following chapters.

The source of the first approach.
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by mgo4107 »

Thanks for the quick response. Much appreciated.

Unfortunately it is mixing up my complete document:

Before: Chapter 1 -> 1.5 pages, Chapter 2 starting as a new page

With the settings proposed:

Chapter 1: First page empty, starting completely mixed up on Page 2 with big gaps between lines, no footer restrictions. Chapter 2: starting somewhere ...
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by mgo4107 »

It WORKS ...

the problem was, this part needs to be before the \begingroup ;-)

% Define some commands to keep the formatting separated from the content
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by mgo4107 »

Now I have another issue :-)
using the proposed code is helping perfectly for putting chapters together.

But ...

%headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header

is not working anymore.

and how can I disable e.g. Chapter 5. Examples.

I just want on every "normal" page with exception of TOC, Nomenclature etc.) a line as header separator and just on the right side the page number.

BTW: You can the roman page number for TOC etc. be changed from e.g. ii to II (UPPERCASE)?
Many thanks for your help.
Cheers Michael
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by Bartman »

It would be better for the overview, if you start a new topic for a new question.
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MastersDoctoralThesis avoid pagebreak between CHAPTERS

Post by iboi »

Where do you need to include that code chunk that Bartman posted?

If I include it in the tex file, which binds the chapters together, under "% THESIS CONTENT - CHAPTERS", I would have to put the content of all the chapters into that one file too. Is there a way to keep the original chapter files separate but bind them together in a format where there is no pagebreak in between?

My supervisor asked if I could do that now, and I would prefer not to change too much before the deadline.

I just started on using latex recently, so apologies if I just did not apply Bartmans solution correctly.
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