I am using cleveref package for labeling and referencing in my document.
I have labeled an Appendix as say, \label(text) and when I am referring it using \cref{text}
I am not getting the reference as 'Appendix A' but my compiled document shows "?? A"
I am using this in my preamble
\crefname{figure}{Figure}{Figures} % changes default behavior to Figure. 1
\crefformat{equation}{Eq.~(#2#1#3)} %<--- will give Eq. (2.1)
I have tried different options in settings for using cref for Appendix there.
Can anyone help?
Thanks and Regards,
General ⇒ Regarding \cref
Regarding \cref
as you can see the following code behaves as expected:
So we need to see some of your actual code, in the sense of a minimal working example, to detect the problem.
as you can see the following code behaves as expected:
Code: Select all
\section{Dummy section}
As we can see in \Cref{sec:testapp}
\section{Dummy Appendix}\label{sec:testapp}
Re: Regarding \cref
Thanks, it is working now. I was using include and includeonly commands to include individual chapters. Once I compiled all of the chapters. This problem of recognizing Appendix using \cref command was solved.
But I have run into another problem. In the middle of my thesis, the page number restarts from 1. Can anyone help me with this. I am not able to figure out the reason for it.
I get an error corresponding to the page from where number restarts.
Error message reads like
pdfTex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name(page.2)) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again>
But I have run into another problem. In the middle of my thesis, the page number restarts from 1. Can anyone help me with this. I am not able to figure out the reason for it.
I get an error corresponding to the page from where number restarts.
Error message reads like
pdfTex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name(page.2)) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again>