New MembersNew in Latex, not being developed I have a specialized inquiry, where would i be able to ask it?

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New in Latex, not being developed I have a specialized inquiry, where would i be able to ask it?

Post by rithik123 »

Hi everyone,

my name is Rithik.

I'm new in Latex, however not being developed, and I distribute on CTAN a first basic bundle, facture-Belge-basic sans-TVA < sans-tva>; presently I began another bundle models-factures-belges-assocs, which concerns solicitations layouts (in Belgium) for affiliations. The bundle is here: <>.

In this bundle, I have a few catalogs, and I meet an issue in ways between the neighborhood bundle (no issues) and the CTAN bundle (issues ;). In any case, I don't discover where I can pose my inquiry; would you be able to support me?

Much thanks, kind respects

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