Graphics, Figures & TablesDrawing a large table with vertically oriented text

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Drawing a large table with vertically oriented text

Post by zak100 »

The description of my table as far as I understand it is given below:

First row is the combination of two rows: First cell of 1st row is empty, 2nd cell of the 1st row is the combination of 5 columns (text=GrpNumber1), 3rd cell of 1st row column is the combination of 4 columns(text=GrpNumber2), 4th cell of 1st row is the combination of 2 columns(text=GrpNumber3), 5th , 6th and 7th cell of 1st row is the combination of 3 columns with (text=GrpNumber4), (text=GrpNumber5), (text=GrpNumber6) respectively.
2nd row has the same number of columns for each cell, only the 4th cell has the text “Task”
3rd row has the same number of columns for each cell but the text in each cell is vertically oriented from down to up
Remaining rows have text in the first cell while tick mark and cross in the remaining cells and this will continue till 20 rows.
The sample image of the table is given below:

SampleTable.jpg (136.69 KiB) Viewed 1453 times

I have created the following code and I have included solidity-highlight.tex,

Code: Select all

    \normalfont B\kern-0.5em{\scshape i\kern-0.25em b}\kern-0.8em\TeX}}}



\title{A Test of Latex}



\renewcommand{\shortauthors}{Trovato and Tobin, et al.}

  Testing abstract

<concept_desc> and application security</concept_desc>
<concept_desc>General and reference~Surveys and overviews</concept_desc>

\ccsdesc[500]{Security and privacy~Software and application security}
\ccsdesc[500]{General and reference~Surveys and overviews}



Hello. \citet{1}, \citet{2}, \citet{3} %\cite{8} \cite{105} \cite{112} %\cite{48} \cite{87}.

contract TestList1{


    	& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\bf GrpNumber1} & 	\multicolumn{4}{c|}{\bf GrpNumber2} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\bf GrpNumber3} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\bf GrpNumber4} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\bf GrpNumber5} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf GrpNumber6} \\
    	& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\bf } & 	\multicolumn{4}{c|}{\bf } & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\bf Task} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\bf } & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\bf } & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf } \\
I have problem in this following part of the code:

Code: Select all

& \rot{Grp1Member1} & \rot{Grp1Member2}	& \rot{Grp1Member3}  	& \rot{Grp1Member4}
   	& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\rot{Grp1Member5}} 
   	& \rot{Grp2Member1} 
   	& \rot{Grp2Member2} 
   	& \rot{Grp2Member3} 
   	& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\rot{Grp2Member4}} 
   	& \rot{Grp3Member1} 
   	& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\rot{Grp3Member2}} 
   	& \rot{Grp4Member1} 
   	& \rot{Grp4Member2} 
   	& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\rot{Grp4Member3}}
   	 & \rot{Grp5Member1} 
   	 & \rot{Grp5Member2} 
   	 & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\rot{Grp5Member3}} 
   	 & \rot{Grp6Member1} 
   	 & \rot{Grp6Member2} 
   	 & \multicolumn{1}{c|} {\rot{Grp6Member3}} \\
    \caption{Testing Table for Classification.}

Somebody please guide me. I also need help to know how to print "tick mark".

Please provide me the whole code.


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