MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsMakeindex: group extra sorted subentries that have |see

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Makeindex: group extra sorted subentries that have |see

Post by user49915 »

Let us create a source file mwe.tex containing

\newcommand{\indexUSeWithSubsubentryAsGer}[4]{\index{000#1 #2 #3@\foreignlanguage{USenglish}{#1}!\foreignlanguage{USenglish}{#2}!\foreignlanguage{USenglish}{#3}|see{#4}}} % for 3-level USenglish English -> German "siehe" entries
\index{Zustandsraum!lokaler}\emph{geteilter Zustandsraum} (engl.\@ \indexUSeWithSubsubentryAsGer{space}{state}{shared}{Zustandsraum, geteilter}\emph{\foreignlanguage{USenglish}{shared state space}})

\index{Zustandsraum!geteilter}\emph{lokaler Zustandsraum} (engl.\@ \indexUSeWithSubsubentryAsGer{space}{state}{local}{Zustandsraum, lokaler}\emph{\foreignlanguage{USenglish}{local state space}})


and feed it to the loop pdflatex mwe && makeindex mwe. The intention of 000 above is to obtain first an index of English terms then followed by an index of German terms. The result is this:
page1.png (22.89 KiB) Viewed 13289 times
page2.png (47.65 KiB) Viewed 13289 times
However, you expected that the subentries would be grouped compactly, as in

Code: Select all

    local, siehe Zustandsraum, lokaler
    shared, siehe Zustandsraum, geteilter

  geteilter, 1
  lokaler, 1
How to make the pdflatex-makeindex loop do it? (Aside: please stay with pdflatex and makeindex programs. If possible, do not switch to [xe|lua]latex, do not abandon makeindex, and retain English-language switches (which are useful in case of differences in ligatures, microtyping in general, and hyphenation). As you might imagine, the actual, non-minimal source file is a large book with its own ecosystem of hacks around indexing that jive with each other, and switching to another setup is very likely to incur a different question.)

Crossposts: ,,p,110783.html .
Last edited by user49915 on Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:57 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Ijon Tichy
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Makeindex: group extra sorted subentries that have |see

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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Ijon Tichy
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Makeindex: group extra sorted subentries that have |see

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Can you please translate the accepted answer given on TeXwelt, that the users, who do not understand German, can also read and understand it? IMHO in the principle of reciprocity this would be fair and appropriate after you've thrown the same question into at least four forums in two different languages.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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