Conversion Tools[Beginner question] viewing Aquamacs Latex documents with TEXshop?

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[Beginner question] viewing Aquamacs Latex documents with TEXshop?

Post by cameronmorin »

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and am also very new to LATEX ! I was pointed to this means of creating documents by a number of colleagues in my university (I work in academia and have been working on Word/Open Office so far).

I have installed Aquamacs and TeXshop on my computer (MacOS Catalina). If I understand correctly I can compile and view the files edited in Aquamacs using TeXshop. My problem is that when I click "view" in Aquamacs nothing happens: probably because I haven't set TexShop as my viewer yet, but I don't know how to do this, and I haven't found any instructions on Google.

Could someone who knows how it works help me out?

All the best,


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Ijon Tichy
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[Beginner question] viewing Aquamacs Latex documents with TEXshop?

Post by Ijon Tichy »

For me the question is quite unclear. Have you used the LaTeX button before the View button? And terminated the LaTeX run without error message? How did you configured TeXShop as PDF viewer (instead of using the system PDF viewer)?
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