Articles, Essays, and Journal Templateshow to add reference in my paper?

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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by yaozhao »


I don't know how to add reference section in my paper. I tried to google, but the tutorial I saw is very hard to understand.

I write my paper in overleaf. I have one main.tex and one bibliography.bib

Code: Select all

%in the preamble


%Where the bibliography will be printed
In my bibliography.bib, it contains one reference:

Code: Select all

  title={Parents in prison and their minor children},
  author={Glaze, Lauren E},
  publisher={Bureau of Justice Statistics}
It doesn't work, The reference doesn't show up in my paper.

Can anyone help me?

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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by Bartman »

Please read the section on bibliography commands in the package documentation. The resource you are adding is missing the filename extension.

Furthermore, the incomplete example does not show us whether you cited the reference.
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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by yaozhao »

Code: Select all

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 5pt

%in the preamble


\title{Research Proposal}



\item[{\bf Title:}]
	Jailed parents
\item[{\bf Keywords:}]
	Financial Stress

%Where the bibliography will be printed

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Ijon Tichy
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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by Ijon Tichy »

By default, only cited references are shown in the bibliography. So you have to add something like \autocite{glaze2008parents} or \nocite{*}.

Off-topic note: \bf is deprecated. You should use either {\bfseries Title} or \textbf{Title}. And instead of manipulation if layout lengths like \oddsidemargin it is recommended to use a package like geometry.
  title={Parents in prison and their minor children},
  author={Glaze, Lauren E},
  publisher={Bureau of Justice Statistics}

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage{geometry}% recommended to change layout
\usepackage{parskip}% Recommended, if you want parskip instead of indent with standard classes
\setlength{\parskip}{5pt}% strange value

%in the preamble


\title{Research Proposal}

\newcommand{\namelistlabel}[1]{\textbf{#1:}\hfil}% label format moved to the definition


\item[Title]% label format moved to the definition
    Jailed parents
\item[Keyword]% label format moved to the definition
    Financial Stress


Example cite: \autocite{glaze2008parents}% to have it in the references, cite it


After running pdflatex, biber, pdflatex, pdflatex this results in:
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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by yaozhao »

Code: Select all

  title={Parents in prison and their minor children},
  author={Glaze, Lauren E},
  publisher={Bureau of Justice Statistics}
These codes are just on the top of main.tex file? I don't need to create a new .bib file?
Also, what if I want to cite a lot of papers?
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Ijon Tichy
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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Using filecontents is usual for creating Infominimal working examples. For real documents you would just create the bib file either using an editor and a separate file or an application like JabRef.
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how to add reference in my paper?

Post by yaozhao »

Sorry, I don't figure it out. I'm totally stuck.
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