Unfortunately LyX changes the path of every image.
e.g. the figure in the attached example becomes
but it should be.. figure:: 0_home_muzzle_Nextcloud_Stuff_Stuff_documentation_source_img_pressure.jpg
:alt: Pressure
:width: 80.0%
LyX replaces the image path with that of the copy of the image created to allow the converter to do its job. This is the correct behavior if the output format will somehow embed the image in the document, but that is not the case for reStructuredText (or for markdown, for that matter)... figure:: img/pressure.jpg
:alt: Pressure
:width: 80.0%
If I export the lyx file as latex from the GUI, and then convert it to reStructuredText using the command
Code: Select all
pandoc --wrap=none -f latex -t rst -o file.rst file.tex