Here's my current setup for rendering:
Gitea in a docker container (Project:
Project files stored locally in ~/anders
Output stored at ~/fileshare/Anders (this is here:
Texlive installed at ~/texlive
CentOS 7, no gui, using vim to edit files
I have it set up so that theoretically when I push to the master branch, the PDFs for the project rerender using pdflatex. This is done with
Code: Select all
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=All4 All4.tex
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=All4 All4.tex
rm All4.aux All4.out All4.toc
mv All4.pdf /home/david/fileshare/Anders/
cd "book-1"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book1 "Main.tex"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book1 "Main.tex"
rm Book1.aux Book1.out Book1.toc
mv Book1.pdf /home/david/fileshare/Anders/
cd ..
cd "book-2"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book2 "Main.tex"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book2 "Main.tex"
rm Book2.aux Book2.out Book2.toc
mv Book2.pdf /home/david/fileshare/Anders/
cd ..
cd "book-3"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book3 "Main.tex"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book3 "Main.tex"
rm Book3.aux Book3.out Book3.toc
mv Book3.pdf /home/david/fileshare/Anders/
cd ..
cd "book-4"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book4 "Main.tex"
/usr/bin/pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode -jobname=Book4 "Main.tex"
rm Book4.aux Book4.out Book4.toc
mv Book4.pdf /home/david/fileshare/Anders/
Here's the problem. When I run myself from the command line, it works wonderfully and all PDFs are beautiful and as they should be.
When it is run by incrond (which I checked, its still running as my user) the output is really messed up to a level I haven't seen described.
The first PDF will render properly, but the other ones in the subfolders will have no data where there should be pages, and where it does show pages they are blank. This is for all 4 subfolders, and it is very consistent.
I have made a copy of the resultant Book1.pdf (and its accompanying Book1.log) when it is run automagically here:
Someone is guaranteed to say something about me using
instead of \include
, but I disagree with you. Each include generates an additional garbage file that I would then have to get rid of for no tradeoffs.