iam using the Masters/Doctoral Thesis template for my phd. But i am having problems with getting a glossary and acronym list printed.
my current version is:
before the document the package include and some settings and "linking" to my glossary and acronym entries with the following lines:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
\newglossaryentry{glos:ML}{name=Maschinelles lernen, description={Maschinelles Lernen beschreibt Algorithmen, welche ...}}
Code: Select all
\printglossary[style=altlist, title=Glossary, nonumberlist]
In my text i link to a entry with
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
pdflatex main
makeglossaries main
pdflatex main
pdflatex main
Using other templates the setup described above worked fine. So my question is does anyone use the template and has a glossary and acronym list printed? If so, could you please help me getting my setup to work?
Thanks in advice, tobi