Theses, Books, Title pagesHow to create a list of exercises and their solutions at the end of each section of a book class?

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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How to create a list of exercises and their solutions at the end of each section of a book class?

Post by CMP »

In the LaTeX book class, I am trying to create a list of exercises at the end of each section and then their solutions later at the end of the entire chapter. For example, what I want is the following:

1.1 This is the first section of this chapter.

1.1 First problem.

1.2 This is the second section of this chapter


Solutions to selected exercises

I also want the hyper-reference of the problems and their solutions, too.

And, I do not want to supply the command every time, like:

How old are you?

The following is the MWE.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[12pt, openany]{book}





This is the first section of this chapter.

{\bf\em Exercises} \\
1.1 Solve the problem. \\
1.2 What is the sum of 3 and 8? \\
{\textcolor{red}{1.4}} What is your name? 


This is the second section of this chapter.

{\bf\em Exercises} \\
1.5 Solve the problem. \\
1.6 What is the sum of 3 and 8? \\
{\textcolor{red}{1.7}} What is your name? 



{\bf\em Solutions to selected Exercises} \\
1.3 I solved it! \\
1.6 I don't know. 


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