Document ClassesWhat's the proper way to customize the QED symbol in acmart?

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What's the proper way to customize the QED symbol in acmart?

Post by user49915 »

Using acmart, we would like to have a black for at the end of the proofs and white boxes for all other environments for which the end is not necessarily clear from the context. What's the "standard" way to do it?


Code: Select all

  This is a proof with \(\square\) at its end. We wish to have \(\blacksquare\) as standard for the end-of-proofs.
  This is a proof with \(\square\) on the last line. Instead, we wish to have \(\blacksquare\) also here.
  This is a definition with \(\square\) at its end. This qed symbol is o.k.\qed
  This is an example with \(\square\) on the last line. It's also ok here.
Output of pdflatex:
result of compilation with pdflatex
result of compilation with pdflatex
file.png (257.87 KiB) Viewed 5704 times

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