Page LayoutChange section number to lettering

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Change section number to lettering

Post by LeonardH »

How do I change the default section numbering to the format below? I am using Miktex console 2.9 and Texmaker.

I. Section
a. Subsection
b. Subsection
i. Subsubsection
ii. subsubsection

I have tried searching and don't find exactly what I need. I am so new at Latex that I probably don't know what to search for.

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Ijon Tichy
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Change section number to lettering

Post by Ijon Tichy »

A good solution would depend on the class you are using and several other design decisions, e.g., how references to section, subsection and subsubsection should be. A very simple solution for the standard class article (but usually not for the KOMA-Script class scrartcl) would be:




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Change section number to lettering

Post by LeonardH »

Perfect. That got me in the right direction. Saved me a lot of time.

I did change the arabic in: \renewcommand*{\thesubsection}{\arabic{subsection}.}

to alph: \renewcommand*{\thesubsection}{\alph{subsection}.}

to get letters instead of numbers.
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