Page Layouta way to move selected words to the new row

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a way to move selected words to the new row

Post by ciema7 »

Hello, the question is included in the topic :) Is it possible to use command for whole document, which will allow to move some words (for example i dont want to leave on the end of the row words as "and", "with", etc.) to the next line (row below)?

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Ijon Tichy
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a way to move selected words to the new row

Post by Ijon Tichy »

With pdflatex or xelatex: No.
With lualatex it could be possible to detect such words and replace the space after it by a non-breakable space. But I do not know much about the callbacks for nodes etc. so I cannot write the lua code for this.

Alternatively you could pre-process the document code using awk, sed or perl to replace the space after such words by a ~ or to immediately add \nobreakspace after such words.

However: Doing so would make it much harder to break the paragraphs into lines. So TeX would more often report underfull oer overfull \hboxes. So I would not recommend to do this unless you are using something like \RaggedLeft (from ragged2e).
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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