MiKTeX and proTeXtCan't Get to Package Repository

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Can't Get to Package Repository

Post by Singularity »

I think my MikTeX can't find the Package Repository. How do I change where it looks for the repository?

I'm trying to download the mathpazo package, but I keep getting "No Data" and "get host by name failed in tcp_connect(). See the pictures.

I tried to change the package repository, but even that gets a similar error. In Package Manager (running as admin), chose Repository -- Change Package Repository... -- Packages shall be installed from the internet -- Next (see: PackageRepository.PNG.

I've tried updating individual packages and various other things, but always get pretty much the same response (see: NoData.PNG). The exception was when I tried refreshing the FNDB, which worked (well, didn't report any errors).

  • I'm running MikTex v 2.9.5700.
  • I'm running as an administrator on Windows 7.
  • This is my home computer and I do not have a Proxy Server (see: WindowsProxy.PNG)
  • I tried turning off my Firewall (only briefly!) and received the same error
I suspect MikTeX is looking in the wrong place for something, probably the list of servers to look for. How do I change where MikTeX's looking?
NoData.PNG (44.75 KiB) Viewed 26763 times
PackageRepository.PNG (46.11 KiB) Viewed 26763 times
WindowsProxy.PNG (3.05 KiB) Viewed 26763 times

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LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Can't Get to Package Repository

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

It seems that MiKTeX is not even able to get the list of repositories. Looks like it cannot reach the main server. It seems to be online though: https://miktex.org/pkg/repositories.

Can you access that link on your computer?

With some effort one can install packages using a local repository, by downloading the required packages from http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/win32/m ... /packages/ and the (two?) catalogue files (miktex-zz-*) to some new folder, and use that folder as local repository.

But perhaps give TeX Live a try. It can be installed over the internet. Perhaps check if you can really access the TeX Live download before you uninstall MiKTeX. TeX Live has a very good package management and is well maintained. I use it since many years.

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Can't Get to Package Repository

Post by Singularity »

Yes, I can see that link. "MikTeX Package Repositories". Shows 10 entries. Changed to 100 and got a longer list.

Does TeX Live replace MikTeX? Will I have to reconfigure TeXnicCenter? Suppose I just (relearn how to and) install MikTeX? Does that require me to reconfigure TeXnicCenter?
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