I have a long (and convoluted) top matter file which I cobbled together from the web (incl. this site -- thanks), but I haven't actually learned Latex. So I need a fairly easy and direct method to do so. There were some complicated discussions I found, but could not make any work.
I am using (for now) TeXnicCenter and using the LaTeX ==> PDF output profile. If I change that setting to anything else, all my documents blow up.
Any advice (possibly including "maybe it's time you learned it already you lazy bastard")?
Here's a kind-of-minimum-WE (for whatever it's worth). I would not post a request like this except I can't figure it out and my students have made several comments about the font.
Code: Select all
%fleqn: left align equations
%reqno: equation numbers on right
%\usepackage[document]{ragged2e} % To get ragged right side, causes display problems in Adobe DC. Causes latex warning about arrayparboxrestore.
\usepackage{grffile} % Sometimes allows for multi-period file names.
%\usepackage{enumerate} % Easy modifications of enumerate, etc.
\usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % More powerful modifications of enumerate, etc.
\usepackage{outlines} % More flexible hierarchical outlines
\usepackage{url} % for nicer formatted URLs
\usepackage{nicefrac} % \nicefrac
\usepackage{cancel} % for canceling terms in equations.
\usepackage{setspace} % Stretch spaces between lines in an equation with \setstretch{}
\usepackage{array} % Provides for a more flexible array and tabular environment
\usepackage{booktabs} % For fancy stuff in arrays and tables. Like the following column definitions
\allowdisplaybreaks[1] % (amsmath) Allows LaTeX to insert page breaks in multiline equations.
\everymath{\displaystyle} % Has been anti-recommended
\cfoot{\tiny\copyright\ jeff}
\cfoot{\tiny\copyright\ jeff}
\rfoot{\scriptsize \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
This is a math ``you'' $u$. \\
This is a math ``vee'' $v$.
This is a bold math ``you'' $\bm u$. \\
This is a bold math ``vee'' $\bm v$.