KileKile - problem with accents characters in the kile editor

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Kile - problem with accents characters in the kile editor

Post by eliso »

Hi all,
it's my first question on this forum.
So don't hesitate to tell me if i am doing something wrong ;)

I use Kile since several years now and never had this trouble : I am writing a document in french
and all the accents are displayed well in the .pdf output, when I compile with PdfLatex.
However, in the Kile editor my accents are sometimes swapped by weird Chinese characters.

So i erase them and put an 'é' for instance and then when i compile i've got "?" instead of my "é" in the .pdf file.

When I open the .tex file with another code editor (like gedit) i am able to see the "é" characters without trouble.
I am running Kile on Ubuntu 18.04 .

Do you have any idea what would be the origin of this trouble ?

Thanks by advance,


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Ijon Tichy
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Kile - problem with accents characters in the kile editor

Post by Ijon Tichy »

It seems that the encoding setting of kile differs from the encoding of the file. This can happen if the encoding detection fails and the fallback encoding is incorrect. See chapter 13 of the kile manual how to change the encoding detection and the fallback encoding. Make also sure, that the option of package inputenc corresponds with the real encoding of the file.

BTW: In opposite to chapter 13 of the kile manual you should not use package ucs or package xltxtra. Also note, the default encoding of up-to-date LaTeX enginges is UTF8. So files that produce the correct output without loading inputenc are UTF8 encoded if you are using an up-to-date LaTeX.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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