Page LayoutRearranging a section to the right side of the page

Information and discussion about page layout specific issues (e.g. header and footer lines, page formats, page numbers).
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Rearranging a section to the right side of the page

Post by uchwkt »

Hello everyone,

I have this resume template whose layout I am trying to adjust. Basically I want to take the section with all the personal information and move it to the right of the "YOUR NAME HERE" header. The personal info entries should keep the same relative form (start new lines at the same horizontal position of the previous line, etc.) and not extend past the page margins.

Does anyone have any ideas for how to approach this? This is my first time using LaTeX so I don't have a lot of knowledge. I looked into using tables to accomplish my task, but they seem more suited towards single text entries, and not towards the fancy icons and styles found in the text I'd like to rearrange.

Here is the source for the template I think I should be editing the contents of the "makecvheader" command.

By the way, if it helps at all, I am using the Overleaf online editor.



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Rearranging a section to the right side of the page

Post by thomasb »

Well, choose a template that you like and just change the fields... In latex, if you move something, it tends to move everything.
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