Community talkHow do I view pdf output"

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lee a young
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How do I view pdf output"

Post by lee a young »

Dear members:
I am a new user of TeX Live. I need a paid helper who can answer elementary questions, such as:
How do I set up a bar of commands at the top of my screen using TeX Live?
How do I view pdf output using TeX Live?

I can give you my credit card information.
Lee A. Young

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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I view pdf output"

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Lee,

welcome to the forum!

You can post any question here in the forum. We will answer for free.

If a question seems more difficult, try to be specific. If needed, post your code if there's a problem.

There's no money needed and no credit card information. We are glad to help and we can do when your question is answerable with some effort. If we need to know details, we may tell you. For example, I already have a job that is well paid and I won't need money but I'm happy to help for free (with limited free time).

Stefan admin
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How do I view pdf output"

Post by fagg2019 »

Dear Members,

I have a .cls file, I need to compile to .pdf, is it posible?. I work in Texmaker editor in windows 2008, it is learning a message "file not Found".I know nothing about .cls files .
Can somebody help me?, please.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I view pdf output"

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

.cls files are document class files. They are never compiled to PDF. Instead, one creates a .tex file, that starts with \documentclass{name} (name.cls is the .cls file) and then your actual content follows, and you compile that .tex file to PDF. A .cls file doesn't have text content that would go into a PDF, it's more like a set of macros.

Stefan admin
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